Case Study II. The Shared-Death Experience
Study of the special phenomenon of the so-called shared-death experience, abbreviated SDE, in which basically healthy people undergo the same…
Although the two basic philosophical experiences (the experience of doubt and the experience of totality) have already been the subject of considerable research by philosophers, physicians, psychologists, sociologists, economists and even criminologists, this could be supplemented by considerably more and also more specific research. The following are just a few examples by way of illustration, which we might call ‘research proposals’. It is up to the compassionate reader to add more examples.
Study of the special phenomenon of the so-called shared-death experience, abbreviated SDE, in which basically healthy people undergo the same…
Case Study III. Unconditional Love as a Comprehensive Primal Principle Study of how Unconditional Love can give rise to the…
Study of the way in which the experience of doubt and totality are expressed in the various types of art.…
Study of the special cases in which people with totality experiences meet deceased pets. A somewhat less accessible topic is…
westerse en oosterse filosofiegeschiedenis gezien vanuit de bijna-dood-ervaring
In een lijvig, tweedelig werk vertrekt de auteur vanuit het axioma dat Onvoorwaardelijke Liefde het diepst denkbare oerbeginsel van alles is. Hij vergelijkt dit met andere beginselen uit de filosofiegeschiedenis.
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