A Universal Theology
The Maieutics School is the initiative of a group of people who wish to propagate a view of God, man and society that is not explicitly based on traditional religions or philosophies of life, but rather on purely human experiences. This does not mean that traditional views do not play a role, but that this role is secondary. The starting point is and remains the human experience, after which it can be examined to what extent ideas from the rich Western and Eastern tradition correspond to that authentic experience. In this way, a careful attempt is made to unfold a new kind of theology, more specifically a philosophical theology that – precisely because of its general human (and therefore international) character – can be called a ‘universal theology’.
Mission and Vision
The universal theology of the Maieutics School relates to all aspects of being human. Domains such as metaphysics and anthropology, psychology and ethics, society and politics, as well as law, language and art can be deeply influenced by it. The reason for this is that within the discipline of philosophical theology the primal principle (Greek: archè) of all reality has been asked for a long time. If one discovers this primal principle, one has immediately grasped the essence of everything.
That is why the Maieutics School sees it as her task to uncover that essence – which she calls Unconditional Love – in all areas of life. That is its mission. This mission translates itself into, among other things, alternative and interdisciplinary forms of research, education and coaching. Also, this school wants to offer itself as a connecting platform for like-minded people, as well as an intermediary between philosophies of life. Through these five core tasks, the maieutics school tries to realize its vision, namely the realization of a harmonious world society, based on the primal principle of Unconditional Love.
What does ‘maieutics’ mean?
The English term ‘maieutics’ comes from the Greek words maieutikè and technè and means something like the skill of the midwife. In philosophy the term refers to the method of questioning followed by the Greek philosopher Socrates (470-399 BC). Socrates’ mother was a midwife and thus assisted in the birth of babies with physical bodies. Socrates also saw himself as a kind of midwife, only not of actual children, but rather of knowledge which is thus spiritual in nature. Socrates considered it his life’s mission to facilitate the birth of insight in people.
In this philosophical sense, the term ‘maieutics’ refers to the uncovering of deeper insights which in principle are already present in human consciousness. According to the maieutics school, these insights come to the fore par excellence through two universal experiences which it calls ‘philosophical ground experiences’. The reason for that designation is that these experiences can be so profound that they give rise to all kinds of philosophical questions. So they set philosophizing in people in motion and thus form the ground under that questioning.