Journal and Publisher
Research within the framework of the maieutics school leads to publications. As a first example, the bookLiefde als wijsgerig grondbegrip. De westerse en oosterse filosofie-geschiedenis vanuit het perspectief van de nabij-de-dood-ervaring (NDE) can be mentioned, to be published in 2022. Ideally, the maieutics school will release such publications within the context of its own or affiliated publishing house, bearing its own logo. After all, publications, digital or otherwise, will then be instantly recognizable to a global audience over time.
A logo can also adorn a magazine that can be published by the maieutics school and in which a variety of subjects can be reviewed, such as aspects about the academy as such, stories from and about experts by experience, as well as articles about research and edu-cational projects, coaching trajectories and the universal dialogue between the various philosophies of life.
Having our own magazine and publishing house are ambitious goals and therefore require support from people and organizations who subscribe to the principles of this school or at least see something in it. However, if these two goals are realized, ideally internationally, they can contribute substantially to the dissemination of the mission and vision of this school. They bring that mission and vision to the attention of the general public, which can create support for the maieutics school as a center of knowledge and meeting place.