Infopoint Spirituality & Philosophy
It is currently in the Maieutics School’s planning to introduce a reporting and information point at ZB/Library of Zeeland. This involves having a place in the library building where knowledgeable people can be contacted about the existence of extraordinary experiences, such as, for example, the out-of-body experience or OBE (= the sudden experience of feeling that you are suddenly outside your body), the shared-death experience or SDE (= the sudden experience of ‘escorting’ someone who is dying into another reality) and, of course, the near-death experience or NDE (= the sudden experience of no longer being in material reality).
The approach is for people to tell their stories one-on-one in a neutral, safe environment. If necessary, general information can be provided about the experience they themselves or perhaps someone they know has been through. The reporting and information point is being set up because research shows that on the one hand there is a need to talk about this topic, while on the other hand it is still taboo. Talking about it can promote coping.
Who is the Infopoint Spirituality & Philosophy for?
Both people with extraordinary experience and interested parties are welcome to exchange views with us.
When does the Spirituality Infopoint & Philosophy start?
As soon as more is known about the exact start, it will be published here. In the meantime, it may already be possible to request an interview via the Contact webpage.